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Employee Experience

10 Reasons Why Companies Should Avoid Employee Monitoring

Employee monitoring has become a common trend in modern workplaces, often justified as a means to boost employee productivity and ensure accountability. However, the reliance on employee monitoring systems raises significant concerns regarding employee trust, engagement, and workplace culture.

What Is Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS)

What is an Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS)? How does it inform business and management decisions? Learn more with Worklytics.

Using ONA to Find Optimal Team Size

When you flatten an organization, you’re increasing manager span with the intent to decrease decision-making time. With fewer layers of approval, the assumption is that work gets done faster. But with more direct reports, manager span is stretched, which may degrade the quality of the work. So how do you strike a balance between speed and span? Here’s what the data tell us.

How to Use Employee Survey Data to Make Your Company More Efficient

Learn how to transform employee survey insights into strategic initiatives and actions that boost efficiency and engagement for your business.

Do Top Performers Work Longer Hours?

When we combine work data with performance reviews, 2 key trends emerge: (1) Working longer hours does not lead to better performance scores. (2) Working intensely does. Instead of measuring your time at work, consider measuring your work intensity: amount of work done / time spent working.

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