Analytics Tools for HR Teams

Data-driven HR Analytics, Insights and Reporting

You've got the survey results. But do you know what to do next?

Identify the underlying drivers impacting your employees’ experience at work by looking under the hood of your eSat scores with real-time collaboration data.  

You'll see what's driving employee sentiment so you know what you need to do to improve results -- and what'll happen if things stay the same.

Actionable Workflow Metrics & Dashboards

Combine survey data from tools like CultureAmp, Peakon, Qualtrics, and Lattice with real-time collaboration data to identify the underlying drivers impacting your employees’ experience at work. 

Use our visual navigator to explore over 200 different metrics describing collaboration and workflow patterns in your organization.  We’ll help you hone in on the behavioral metrics that matter most for your team.

Benchmark HR KPIs Against Similar Businesses

How do our quiet quit rates compare to peers'?

How much time is everyone else spending in meetings?

How many approval layers do other orgs our size have?

See how your company compares with our workflow & collaboration benchmarks.

Plan, Measure, & Report on QBR Initiatives

Once you know what’s driving your eSat scores, you can track those behaviors using real-time data. 

Instead of waiting for the next employee survey, you’ll have a pulse on the leading indicators of sentiment the next time your leadership team asks what to expect.

Secure Data Integration & Governance

Get actionable insights while protecting employee privacy.

With our Worklytics Proxy, we clean, sanitize, aggregate and anonymize all data at the source.

Build a Better Workplace

Leverage collaboration data to improve your workplace in order to boost productivity, engagement and performance.

Productivity & Performance

Boost productivity and performance by understanding how your team spends time and removing unnecessary bottlenecks.

Burnout & Wellbeing

Detect early signs of burnout to get ahead of attrition and protect employee wellbeing.

Engagement & Satisfaction

Create a happy and engaged team by identifying and removing points of friction in the every day lives of employees.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Promote an environment that includes a wide range of people and perspectives.

Leadership & Culture

Equip your frontline leaders with the data they need to engage & motivate their teams. 

Retention & Turnover

Use Organizational Network Analysis (ONA) to pinpoint the areas of greatest retention risk & build a plan to mitigate attrition.


Request a sample employee
engagement analysis

We've implemented an example report based on a sample of a series of real-world scenarios analyzed by our team. Take a look at the report for a detailed example of how Worklytics can help highlight key opportunities for improvement within your organization.
Request Sample