Workplace Benchmarking Platform

How much time is everyone else spending in meetings?

How do our quiet quit rates compare to peers'?

How much focus time do other engineering teams get?

See how your company compares with our workflow & collaboration benchmarks.

How We Work Has Changed. Is Team Performance Improving?

No one's got all the answers.
But our workflow and collaboration benchmarks will give you a look into what other companies are doing, so you can see how your approach stacks up.

Employee Work Days Vary. How Do We Compare?

With data cut by level, department, region, and mode of work, you'll get a granular look into how patterns are changing over time.

Work Modes Have Multiplied.
What's Normal?

You'll get a median and a normal range (25th-75th percentile) for each of the metrics that Worklytics tracks.


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HR Benchmarking Report

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