Evaluate Meeting Effectiveness

Measure & Improve Team Meeting Effectiveness While Protecting Privacy

We've all got a lot to do and too little time to do it.

You'll get more done faster with real-time visibility into how meetings are run across your organization

See which meetings are wasting time to pinpoint & remove the bottlenecks that are holding your team back.

Promote Healthy Meeting Habits

Is your team spending too much time in meetings?  Are meetings started and ended on time?

Use data to understand how meeting best practices are adhered to across your organization

Dashboards & Reporting for KPIs Across Your Software Tools

Have a holistic view of how your team is working across all channels and tools. 

You’ll see a unified set of metrics that shows you how your team is interacting across email, Zoom, Slack, JIRA, Salesforce, and more.

Track the Underlying Drivers of Team Productivity

Identify the drivers of employee productivity so you can course-correct. 

Real-time metrics let you rapidly test & learn, so you don’t have to wait until the next quarter to know if your interventions are working.

Benchmark Meeting Effectiveness Against Peers

Is your team spending too much time in meetings?  Are you more or less responsive to your internal clients? 

Benchmark how your workflow compares to peers’ to know how you stack up. 


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