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What Is Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS)

There are plenty of different ways to understand how employees feel about your company, but one of the simplest and most effective is your Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS). This metric is a quick measure of employee satisfaction and loyalty within your organization, and can be measured by just asking a simple question.

Regularly monitoring your Employee Net Promoter Score allows you to find out if employees like the way things are going and if they plan on sticking around. But how do you figure out your eNPS? In today’s article, we’ll provide you with all the details you need to know about Employee Net Promoter Scores and how Worklytics can help.

How Is eNPS Calculated? 

It might seem overly simple, but the first step of calculating your eNPS is asking your employees the question “"On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our company as a place to work?" Based on their responses, employees are then categorized into three groups:

  • Promoters (9-10) - These are highly satisfied and loyal employees who will not only recommend your company, but actively promote it to people in their network. These employees are ready and willing to stay and grow within the company for the foreseeable future.
  • Passives (7-8) - These employees are fairly satisfied with the workplace, but not passionate or enthusiastic enough to actively promote the company. 
  • Detractors (0-6) - These are dissatisfied employees who are likely looking for a new position elsewhere. They typically don’t have long-term plans of staying with the company.

Once you’ve collected your responses, the next step is to subtract the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters. This is how your calculation may look:

% of Promoters - % of Detractors = eNPS

Your Employee Net Promoter Score can range from -100 to 100. A positive score indicates you have more promoters while a negative score indicates the opposite. This should give you a clear and broad picture of overall employee satisfaction.

Why Is It Important? 

Your Employee Net Promoter Score can give you an idea of the overall employee engagement and satisfaction in your organization. This is important for several reasons, including:

  • Being a place people want to work - Any company should strive to make work as enjoyable as possible for employees. Being a place people want to work means a more positive company culture, more satisfied employees, and a higher likelihood of attracting and keeping top talent. 
  • Having high engagement - High engagement is directly linked to employee performance. Engaged employees are more productive and effective in their roles. Engaged employees also want to grow in their roles, so they stay with the company for longer.
  • Reducing churn and turnover - If you have a lot of detractors, they likely want to leave the company as soon as possible. Having a high eNPS or understanding why your eNPS is low allows you to fix the issues that are causing dissatisfaction, reducing turnover and the costs associated with it.
  • Actionable insights - Collecting eNPS data allows you to understand employee pain points so you can address them and constantly improve as a company. This shows your employees you care, which fosters loyalty and trust.

Using Net Promoter Score Data Effectively 

Your eNPS score is a good way to understand overall sentiment, but it doesn’t paint an incredibly detailed picture. Here are some tips to the most of your eNPS data:

  • Conduct regular surveys - Conduct regular eNPS surveys that ask additional questions to give more context to the primary eNPS question. This gives you more to work with, so you can actively address issues your employees are having and understand why they’re dissatisfied. Conducting them on a regular basis also allows you to track shifts in sentiment over time to make sure things are moving in a positive direction.
  • Anonymization - Make sure surveys and data are anonymized, so employees can feel comfortable being more honest and candid with their responses.
  • Use analytics - Do a deep dive into your eNPS data by using analytics tools. Tools like Worklytics can help collect survey results and identify trends and patterns with in-depth visualizations, giving you actionable insights that you can use to develop strategies to improve the company.
  • Communicate - Make sure you’re communicating with your employees about changes you’re making as a result of their surveys. This shows that their feedback is being heard and that you care about addressing their pain points.
  • Benchmarking - Compare your eNPS with industry benchmarks to understand how your organization stands relative to others. This can provide context and help set realistic goals for improvement.

Examples of eNPS in Practice 

Analyzing your Employee Net Promoter Score and acting on the insights can have real-world benefits for your organization. Let’s take a look at some examples of eNPS in action.

Improving Employee Engagement 

You can use eNPS to identify ways to improve employee engagement. For example, let’s say you’re a fully remote company send out your eNPS surveys and separate them by teams. You notice that one of your teams is significantly more dissatisfied than the others. Diving into your results, you may find this team is more isolated than others, making it difficult to feel engaged or connected to the company. You can then use this information to ensure these teams have collaboration tools and regular meetings scheduled, so they can connect with each other and their co-workers more often.

Enhancing Onboarding Processes 

Using the right tools, you can organize your eNPS surveys by longevity in the company. For example, you may notice that your eNPS score among new hires is lower than those who have been with the company for longer. Diving into this feedback, you may find that they felt overwhelmed by the onboarding process and that they didn’t get resources they needed to succeed early on. You could then act on this information by revamping your onboarding, setting up regular check-ins with management, and providing more resources. This can lead to a better onboarding experience and a higher eNPS score for new hires.

Monitoring Company Culture 

eNPS can be a powerful way to monitor company culture. Let’s say a big part of your company culture is open communication and access to leadership. After you bought several new management positions, you notice eNPS has gone down and the feedback indicates that employees feel like they aren’t able to talk to management. Using this information, you can make sure management is trained in a culture of equitable communication, increase the number of 1:1 meetings, and have management reassure their teams that they’re open to feedback. This can improve morale, foster a culture of improvement, and bring eNPS scores back up.

Worklytics Makes eNPS Analytics Easier 

If you want to make the most of your eNPS results, Worklytics can help. Worklytics helps you get valuable insights from your eNPS surveys using in-depth analytics. Get real-time data about employee sentiment and get actionable information to drive meaningful improvements that lead to increased engagement, satisfaction, and productivity. Interested in learning more about how Worklytics can make eNPS analytics easier? Book a demo today to get started.

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