In late 2023, we launched our first Workplace Metrics Benchmark, including benchmarks for a wide variety of work related metrics across a range of industries.
The benchmark helped answer questions such as:
Is it normal how much time we spend in meetings?
Is it normal how many Slack DMs I get?
Is it normal to need to collaborate with this many people?
Today, we’re proud to announce version two of our Workplace Metrics Benchmark–a major step forward in the variety and depth of insights provided by our benchmark dataset.
The new benchmark dataset is far larger and incorporates fully sanitized and aggregated data from millions of digital work accounts across several hundred thousand individuals.
It also comes with a number of new features, including new work type profiles describing work habits for Software Engineers, Sales Teams and more.
This is designed to answer questions like:
Is it normal that our Software Engineers don’t have enough focus time?
Is it normal that our Sales Team gets sucked into so many internal meetings and has so little time for customers?
Is it normal that our executives are in meetings for 12 hours a day?
See below for more detail on new features.
The first version of our benchmark was met with enthusiasm and put to great use. While the high-level benchmarks provided valuable insights, organizations aren’t one-size-fits-all—especially teams with distinct behavioral patterns like sales professionals or engineering departments, where tailored benchmarks are essential.
With Version #2, we’ve introduced six new population profiles.
Specifically, to provide even more relevant comparisons, we’ve introduced a third layer of management benchmarks specifically for Senior Leaders. For company size comparisons, we now offer separate profiles for Larger Organizations and Smaller Organizations. And for roles with distinct work patterns, we’ve developed benchmarks for Sales Professionals, Software Engineers, and Active External—an aspirational segment representing a company’s most engaged, external-facing employees.
The first version of the benchmark focused on a smaller subset of our most popular work metrics including Focus Time, Workday Span, After Hours Messaging and more. Over the past year we’ve had several requests for additional metrics and today we are adding 16 of the most commonly requested new metrics to our benchmark.
These include
See a full list of metrics below.
One of the top requested features for the benchmark was to be able to download and directly integrate the benchmark dataset into internal dashboards and other use cases.
Version 2 allows customers to configure a Benchmark Dataset export in the Worklytics Admin Console. The benchmark can be automatically imported into your data warehouse and used for a variety of cases.
For instance, if you’re building employee nudges around certain metrics and want to base triggers on the benchmark values, you can now do so directly.
Access to the benchmark is available to participating customers. If you’re a Worklytics Customer, please contact us for more information. If you are not currently a customer, you can view a preview of the benchmark below and reach out here for more information.