Industry Trends: Insights from H1 2024

As we head into H2, our research team has compiled a mini-report highlighting 5 key Industry Trends that we’re observing across a variety of companies and sectors.

1) It’s Not Just You – No One Has Enough Focus Time

We know knowledge workers that average ~3.5 hours of focus time a day tend to report feeling more productive than those will less available time for deep work.

But, right now, less than 30% of Individual Contributors are hitting that target.

2) Workdays are Extending Further into Evenings

Workday span increased by 30 minutes in 2023. And we’re seeing no sign that spans are shortening.

We know that longer workdays can lead to burnout. That’s one of the reasons we’re starting to track the volume of after-hours messaging.

3) There are More Large Meetings

As companies have brought workers back to the office, we’re seeing meeting size balloon. For the typical employee, nearly 40% of meetings include 10 or more attendees.

Large meetings tend to be less productive (and more prone to distraction) than smaller working sessions. Teams focused on increasing velocity should keep an eye on how meeting size is trending in their org.

4) Manager Workload is Consistently High

Each week, managers spend 2-3x as many hours in meetings as ICs do. All while they’re collaborating with ~60% more people.

High meeting and collaboration demands are leaving some managers struggling to devote sufficient time to supporting their direct reports.

5) Most of Us Aren’t Using Slack as Intended

Slack was built to give people more access to information. The idea was that we’d get information out of private Inboxes and into a publicly searchable forum.

But in most companies, 3 out of 4 Slack Messages are DMs. (A far cry from the recommended 30% DM / 70% channel message guideline.)

Long-term, over-reliance on DMs erodes the value of Slack. It negatively impacts institutional memory and makes it harder for new teammates to get up-to-speed.

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We’re getting ready to release our H1 2024 Benchmarks Report.

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