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Best DORA Metrics Alternatives

Best Alternatives to DORA Performance Metrics

DORA (DevOps Research and Assessment) metrics are considered the gold standard for measuring DevOps performance, but that doesn’t mean they’re a perfect solution for everyone.

DORA Performance metrics look at Deployment Frequency, Lead Time for Changes, Change Failure Rate and Mean Time to Recover as a framework for evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of software delivery performance. These metrics have been used for a decade now, but the DevOps landscape is continually changing and some companies need alternatives that provide a more nuanced and holistic view of performance for their team.

In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the best alternatives to DORA metrics and compare how they’re different from this long-used framework. We’ll also tell you how Worklytics can help you track the mission-critical metrics you need to know about your DevOps team, regardless of what metrics are most important to your company. Let’s dive in.

Why You Might Want Other Options

DORA metrics have been a great solution for years, so why would you want to look at other options? While you don’t have to throw DORA metrics out the window entirely, looking at some other options may provide you with a broader and more comprehensive view of your team’s productivity and effectiveness. DORA metrics can sometimes have a narrow focus that doesn’t paint a complete picture of the dynamics of your team.

Also, some companies simply don’t have workflows or processes that align with the DORA framework. Looking at other options can help you find a framework that fits your team best, so you can properly measure useful metrics that can help your team improve and hit their goals.

Top Metrics Frameworks for DevOps Teams

As mentioned, DORA has been fairly reliable and has fit the needs of many companies for a long time, so there aren’t a huge number of DevOps metrics framework alternatives. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing, as it’s not as overwhelming to try out different frameworks to see if they work better. For today’s article, we’re going to focus on the top alternatives to DORA today, which include SPACE, DevEX and GSM.


First is the SPACE framework, which measures five key areas – satisfaction and well-being, performance, activity, communication and collaboration and efficiency and flow. The SPACE framework broadens the focus of DORA metrics by looking at both software delivery and operational performance. This holistic approach aims for continuous improvement and gives you an understanding of how your entire IT department works together beyond just software delivery. Let’s take a look at each part of this framework:

  • Satisfaction and well-being - Developer satisfaction and well-being looks at how happy developers are in their roles. Team morale and satisfaction can play a huge role in productivity and performance, so it’s important to regularly look at these metrics through surveys and other means to understand how your developers are feeling about the job.
  • Performance - Back to the more technical side of things, performance metrics look at the performance of the team to finish tasks and projects. Performance metrics can often include some of our DORA metrics, like change failure rate. Essentially, performance is looking at output and the quality of that output.
  • Activity - Activity metrics measure efficiency and the pace of the work being done. Activity helps you understand the frequency of tasks, how long they take to complete and more. By measuring activity, you can find inefficiencies and bottlenecks in your team’s processes and address them as needed.
  • Communication and collaboration - Communication and collaboration are essential for any DevOps team. Measuring communication and collaboration metrics can help you understand if your team can easily and effectively work with each other. You can look at metrics like frequency of communications, access to leadership, meeting participation and more to better understand collaboration and communication among your team.
  • Efficiency and flow - This measures a DevOps team’s ability to smoothly progress throughout the software development cycle with minimal disruptions. It looks at how your team uses their time and how they maximize their output with the time used.


Both DORA and SPACE are focused on improving the software development cycle, but DORA has a narrower scope comparatively. DORA focuses specifically on those four key metrics we discussed earlier: deployment frequency, lead time for changes, change failure rate and mean time to recover. These are a useful way to judge the efficiency and effectiveness of the software delivery process, but SPACE gives you a more comprehensive view that goes beyond the delivery process. So, the key differences are:

  • Scope - DORA is specific to software delivery performance. SPACE covers a broad spectrum of software delivery, operational performance, developer satisfaction and more to give you a more complete picture.
  • Focus - DORA is focused on four specific metrics. SPACE can include many metrics, including the ones used in the DORA framework.

In summary, while both frameworks aim to enhance software development productivity, SPACE offers a more comprehensive and adaptable approach that complements the focused metrics provided by DORA.

2. DevEX

DevEX is a newer framework that heavily considers the developer experience as a way to improve the development process. It looks at the tools, processes and environment that support developers and recognizes the importance of creating a positive workplace for developers to thrive and be productive. 

The long and short of the DevEX framework is that developers want to be able to be productive, but if they have bottlenecks and obstacles, it affects both their productivity and satisfaction. The three core tenets of the DevEX framework consider:

  • Feedback loops - Feedback loops are the speed and quality of responses to actions performed. In other words, if a developer completes a task that requires feedback, like approval from code reviewers, the response should be expedient. A fast feedback loop has minimal friction and allows a developer to get through their tasks with minimal disruptions or delays.
  • Cognitive load - Cognitive load looks at the level of mental processing required for a developer to complete a task. Using complex tools, learning new processes and dealing with poor documentation can all add to cognitive load. To decrease cognitive load and make things easier, developers need good processes in place and the right resources to do their jobs.
  • Flow state - Flow state looks at when a developer is fully immersed and enjoying their work, or “in the zone.” Flow state disruptions can be frustrating, so workplaces and workflows should be structured to provide the optimal environment for developers to frequently be in a flow state.


Both DORA and DevEX are focused on continuous improvement, but they look at two different parts of the work cycle to measure performance. DORA takes a more technical approach that doesn’t always capture the nuances of the developer experience. The DevEX framework directly addresses this shortcoming by finding out what resonates with developers along with the frustrations they’re facing that hinder productivity.

3. GSM (Goals, Signals & Metrics)

Finally, we have the GSM framework, which stands for Goals, Signals and Metrics. This framework provides a clear and easily understandable framework for solving problems in the DevOps work cycle. First, you set a goal, then you identify signals that indicate you’re making progress toward that goal. You also choose key metrics to give you actionable insights to inform your strategy.

An example of GSM in action is identifying the problem that many developers are experiencing burnout. The goal then is to reduce burnout for developers. Signals that indicate progress are that your developers aren’t reporting feeling burnt out and that they have more focus time to do their tasks. Metrics that could help inform your strategy include work-life balance, frequency of meetings, amount of overtime worked, etc. 

With GSM, you can find the source of burnout, ensure that your developers are getting the resources and time they need to avoid burnout and ultimately reduce those burnout rates significantly.


DORA and GSM aren’t necessarily competing frameworks, as DORA can be applied directly to measuring software delivery performance, while GSM is more flexible and customizable to solving a myriad of problems. GSM can be a great complement to frameworks like DORA, as it can help you identify the problems and GSM can help you solve them.

A Holistic Way to Measure Developer Productivity 

It’s safe to say that measuring developer productivity isn’t always a one-size-fits-all solution. Having flexibility and the willingness to mix and match different frameworks can give you a more holistic view of your team, and ultimately ensure they’re satisfied, equipped with the tools they need and on a path to continuous improvement. 

But, getting a holistic view of developer productivity metrics requires the right tools. That’s where analytics platforms like Worktlyics can help.

How Worklytics Can Help 

Worklytics is the ultimate workplace analytics platform, giving you the tools you need to measure any metrics that are important to your team. Get real-time insights into metrics for DORA, SPACE and any other framework in an intuitive platform with a customizable dashboard and detailed reports. Using your Worklytics data, you can identify areas of improvement and ensure your team has everything they need to succeed. 

Anonymous, Secure and Actionable 

Worklytics provides real-time insights through anonymized data. This allows you to get the actionable data you need to improve without compromising the privacy of your team. Our platform is also equipped with robust security features to protect your data.

Get a Better View of Your Workflow 

Let Worklytics help you get a better view of your workflows and processes. The Worklytics platform connects to over 25 popular tools, allowing you to connect your data sources and view all the factors contributing to developing experience, performance, satisfaction and productivity. With the power of actionable, real-time insights in your hands, you can make the workplace a better place to work while also maximizing your team’s potential. Ready to see how Worklytics can bring your DevOps team to the next level? Request a demo today to learn more.

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