Is Email Productive?

Is your team's email productive work or a waste of time? We've integrated GMail into Worklytics to help you find out.

Once you connect GMail, you can do the following:

  • Graph counts of emails sent by Team or Person, per week
  • See average Recipients Emailed, split by Team or Person
  • Who you email most is factored into our Top Collaborators algorithms, which are used to suggest who should give you feedback on your work.
  • Get estimates of how much time is spent writing emails (beta opened to limited set of customers)
  • Gather feedback on Emails in Weekly Checkins or 360 reviews

The GMail integration requires that you install the latest version of Worklytics from the Google Apps Marketplace. If you've previously installed Worklytics, you may have to install it again to update the OAuth 2.0 grant.

Note that Worklytics does NOT store the content of emails - only subject, recipients, and some meta data about the content (such as size). Furthermore, as Worklytics is hosted within the Google Cloud, we're able to integrate with GMail in the most secure manner possible: your data never leaves Google's infrastructure.

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